Más de 40 años al servicio de los propietarios de casas móviles y prefabricadas

Calendario de solicitud

Before Applying

The only document we need before your loan approval is our completed credit application. Make sure all of the necessary information is completed for each buyer.

Day 1

Complete our credit application online, or fill out a printed copy of our credit application. If you completed a printed application, please email or fax it back to our office for initial processing. Incomplete information will delay your loan process. We will contact you if there is any missing information. Day one… your loan has been submitted to lenders.

Day 2 – Day 3

We will receive a loan decision (approval, denial, counter offer) from lenders and we will contact you. If approved, we will send you an approval package that includes a list of the necessary documents we need to fund your loan. If you receive a counter offer, our office will contact you to see if you want to accept the counter-offer. After a counter offer is accepted, a relook for your application will be sent to the lender accepting the counter-offer. Our office will receive an approval within 24-48 hours (business days).


You are on you way to becoming a homeowner. We will work with you through the entire loan process to make it as smooth as possible. We are here to work for you.

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